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No other technology requirement has had more impact on hotels than providing ‘broadband access’ or HSIA. Providing sufficient and well managed internet access for hotel guests has been a constant challenge for hoteliers that continues today.
Poorly operating networks or limited available bandwidth are most likely one of the top complaints by guests and have the greatest impact on guest satisfaction surveys. The requirements for better internet access are widespread and as applications grow and more devices become dependent, the need will continue to challenge hotel providers.
1. Incoming bandwidth capacity.
2. Local Area Network (LAN) design and installation.
3. Network ’Management Controller’.
4. Network ’Security Controller’ (firewall).
5. Guest User 24/7 live support.
The hotel’s overall success is based on the right combination of these components, keeping in mind that the overall operation is only as good as the weakest component. Many older hotels are faced with even greater challenges when attempting to provide adequate capabilities based on legacy infrastructure wiring, not suitable for any hard-wired solutions. Hotels need to rely on expertly proven solutions to ensure maximum success.